Published: September 23, 2020 10:00

DID YOU KNOW THAT… It started with singing…

———— Joseph Haydn – like his two colleagues, the so-called Viennese classics (Mozart and Beethoven) – was not a Viennese by birth; however, all three developed their compositional talents in Vienna. Haydn took his first music lessons with J.M. Franck in Hainburg, but when he was only eight years old, he moved to Vienna, where

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Published: August 7, 2020 11:15

Did you know that… Clock impressionism in the opera…

———— The famous French composer, Maurice Ravel, known for his even more famous Boléro, had to wait four years before his opera work The Spanish Hour appeared on stage – mainly because of the difficulties the score caused to the orchestra and singers. It was not staged until 19 May 1911 at the Comic Opera

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Published: March 30, 2020 12:14

CZY WIECIE, ŻE…? Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart

———— Niejasne okoliczności śmierci Mozarta przyczyniły się później do demonizowania postaci jego przeciwnika Salieriego. Już ojciec Mozarta sprowadzał każde niepowodzenie syna do intryg nadwornego kapelmistrza, nic więc dziwnego iż Salieri został posądzony o zamordowanie Mozarta. Czy tak było czy nie?… Wyniki badań medycznych stwierdzają, że zdrowie Mozarta zostało zrujnowane zbyt wysokimi dawkami silnych lekarstw. Podejrzewani

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