

Published: June 24, 2020 15:15

Warsztaty artystyczne – Lekcja baletu 2

————- W czasie deszczu dzieci się nudzą, a dorośli? Zapraszamy na kolejną odsłonę warsztatów artystycznych z Teatrem Wielkim w Łodzi. Dziś druga część z cyklu „Lekcja baletu” Wspólnie z artystką baletu Kinga Łapińską zapraszamy do trenowania kondycji fizycznej. Pierwszy film to była profesjonalna rozgrzewka tancerzy baletowych, dziś kilka prostych ćwiczeń baletowych. Artyści baletu bez ruchu

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Published: June 23, 2020 15:06

Did you know that… A collective work of friends?

———— Alexander Borodin unfortunately did not live to see his Prince Igor staged. The premiere of the most popular Russian opera, alongside Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky, took place on 4 November 1890 at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg only three years after the composer’s death. Borodin, who had no music education (he was a

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Published: June 19, 2020 17:30

Did you know that…

———— It would seem that such a musically modern (even today!) opera cannot be so old… and yet it is. When Krzysztof Penderecki showed his Devils of Loudun at the Hamburg Opera on 20 June 1969, it became clear that the opera world had received a work that would become a permanent feature of opera

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Published: June 17, 2020 11:09

Warsztaty artystyczne… Co w orkiestronie piszczy?

———— Zapraszamy na kolejną odsłonę warsztatów artystycznych. Zaczynamy cykl pt. “Co w orkiestronie piszczy?” czyli wszystko co o orkiestrze powinieneś wiedzieć. Wspólnie z artystką orkiestry Marią Tomalą będziemy odkrywać tajniki poszczególnych instrumentów. Dziś kwintet smyczkowy w części pierwszej skrzypce i altówki w części drugiej wiolonczele i kontrabasy. Gościmy na zajęciach artystów naszej orkiestry Hannę Drzewiecką-Borucką

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Published: June 16, 2020 17:52

DID YOU KNOW THAT… LA SCALA was not the first one…

———— The most famous opera theatre in the world – La Scala in Milan – was the second opera theatre built in the capital of Lombardy, the first theatre opened in 1717 in Milan was the Teatro Regio Ducale; La Scala was the fifth theatre building built in Italy in the 18th century. The previously

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Published: June 12, 2020 17:20

DID YOU KNOW THAT… Review… written by a colleague!

———— The fact that artists going on stage – no matter in which theatre genre – voluntarily let other people assess them is obvious. And they always – being more or less anxious – wait for the reaction of the audience after the performance, and then for what theatre and music reviewers will write about

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Published: June 9, 2020 15:00

DID YOU KNOW THAT… Culinary revolutions of the Master…

———— To say that Gioacchino Rossini was great is like saying that roses smell nice… The composer of operas such as The Barber of Seville, William Tell, and L’italiana in Algeri gave us 39 operas, 28 cantatas and anthems, 14 religious compositions, 32 songs, 21 instrumental compositions and the beautiful Sins of old age. His

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Published: June 5, 2020 18:00

DID YOU KNOW THAT… First Mimi on TV!

———— The opera, sooner or later, had to reach the television. It was first broadcast on 19 May 1947, when the third and fourth act of Puccini’s La bohème was broadcast ‘live’ on the BBC. With this performance, the British Broadcasting Corporation made a real pioneering act. Up to that point, no other television station,

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Published: June 2, 2020 10:15

DID YOU KNOW THAT… The first was the prince…

———— The first Polish monarch who was lucky enough to come into contact with the opera was Władysław IV Vasa, when he was still a prince at the court of the Medici in Florence, where he watched Francesca Caccini’s La liberazione di Ruggiero dall’isola d’Alcina. The new genre fascinated the young prince so much that

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Published: May 29, 2020 13:50


———— Opera w swoich dziejach niezbyt często dawała szanse popisów dzieciom, ale jednak tak się zdarzało. Dzieci pojawiają się w tytułach (np. Dziecko i czary Ravela), choć wykonawcami są  dorośli – są także głównymi bohaterami oper (np. Cinderella Rossiniego i Jaś i Małgosia Humperdincka) i tymi, którymi kompozytorzy „wzmacniali” wokalnie i uatrakcyjniali wielkie sceny zbiorowe

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